Tuesday, May 29, 2012

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"THIS is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

The day you are in now is the only day that you have now. This sounds silly but think about it; yesterday is gone and there is no way you can ever get it back and there is no guarantee that tomorrow will ever come or that you will get to see it. But today, today, is what we have, it is all we have. However this one day that we have was made by the Lord. Our great and wonderful father who has loved us sense before the stars were flung into the sky, created this very day. Therefore we should be glad to be in it. Because this day we have hundreds of moments and opportunities to share and show Gods love and grace to the world.
Let us not confuse joy or rejoicing with happiness.


adjective, hap·pi·er, hap·pi·est.
delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing: to be happy to see a person.
Happiness is an emotion over an event or situation. However joy is a rational response to a situation.
When God gives you a less than ideal situation, you have a choice in how to respond. What God asks of us is not to be happy is hard time but to think of it as joy. "Because we know that suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint, us because God has poured out his love to us through the Holy Spirit whom has been given to us." Romans 5:3-5
So today whatever day this is, consider your challenges a joy.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
This is not a promise that things will work out today. Its a promise for a future glory when we are united with God and made perfect and whole. But until then my friends
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Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer begins

School is out, and I feel that this is the perfect time to reflect on how this year has been going. If you will remember I did a post in January with my New Year resolutions ( http://quippyquintessence.blogspot.com/2012/01/another-year.html) here is how they have been going...

Resolution: To raise my Latin grade and entire letter in the second half 
Result: Latin grade went from a - C to B +. Success!

Resolution: To not get bellow a 90 on any week of my Adv Bio or Worldviews work.
Result: Adv Bio was an average of a 87 for the semester but my higher first half grade let me keep it an A.
Worldviews of the Western World for the third quarter didn't work out so well and one week I did get a 66, however in the 4th my lowest weekly grade was a 96.5!! Success!

Resolution: To love my family better
Result to date: Getting better but not where I want to be. Still in progress

Resolution: Learn the difference between sarcasm and wit
Result: In my vary biased opinion I think that my sarcasm has been used mostly for gentle-teasing, and is used less often. I'm still wondering whether I am cut out to be witty though....

Considering all things I would say this year is heading down fairly well. There have been many trials and challenges, but, "God is in His Heavens, all is right with world" (taken from Anne of Green Gables)

I have some very dear and wonderful friends who have kept my head up and set on God, as well as made what little of my summer that has yet taken place very happy.

For example the sweetest most Godly girl on the planet graduated Saturday and I got to spend the day and the night and the next day with her and her amazing family!

Pinned ImageSo far I have seen this movie 4 times, and I love it SO much. I'm not much of an action movie fan but I love this one so much, and have some really great friends willing to see it with me, hopefully I can see it some more, but maybe thats pushing my luck.......

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We watch the greatest show that is not on tv right now

I learned that I like arcade games, a lot, and that I would most likely would be better at being a sniper than jumping rolling pizzas...

My plans for this summer simply revolve around getting a job, visiting colleges, hanging out with friends and growing closer to God.
These I hope I can be totally successful at.

 A deep thank you on this remembrance day to all who have risked their lives for every single person in this country unconditionally. Specially Grandpa Bunny, Papa, Dad, Michael and Jamie, I love you all and am so proud to be your grand daughter/daughter/ cousin.

Cum Deos Liberorum

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

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Oh, my sweet dear readers (if there are any of you left) I have been the most laxidazy of bloggers. So many struggles and triumphs of the last few months I wish I could have shared with you. But as this lovely pintrest picture shows, I have been working very hard and a great many good and nice things have slipped through the cracks.

Pinned ImageIn a few weeks I will be finnished; I cant wait to blog more, and Im sure I will have more intersting things to write on as well. Right my revolves around world views durring the russian revolution and stuff (I know, Im falling asleep just thinking about it.)

However I would like to show you a quick little thing that keeps me going through the days.

One of Gods most beautiful things.....flowers.

I love flowers so much. They remind me of Gods love and His promises to us.
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blue flowers.................
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and pink flowers (my favorite)

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See you in a few weeks!