Friday, November 25, 2011

there has been an explosion explosion of Christmas!
My family doesn't heavily celebrate birthdays, mothers/fathers day, we ingnore earth day, but Christmas,  Christmas is what we live for.  As tradition, black friday is spent celebrating the fact that we are now if junk food season (I think I may need at least 2 posts on the awsomeness of my moms special chex mix) and decorating for the Christmas (it actually takes about a week to put up all our decorations but the start is always the best part.) We break out our Christmas CDs, every year we get a new one so our collection had grown rather large, this year we got Michael Buble`s  and I am really in love with it. Im not super into Christmass music, just because there are only so many songs and everyone does them and they are all the same. Not this one, its the same old songs alright, but completely new take on them with a bunch of wonderful duets. Here is a little sneak peek into what we've done so far.

this is about half of our explosion
the stairs were my job, they include four strands of lights, an old garland, and a string of fake pearls
and a bunch of stars that Im not convinced were worth putting up, it was challenging.
our lovely little snow people

a black and white view of the banister

Here is a little DIY idea for a more historically accurate nativity

place your wise-men on hills
This is accomplished with cans. Functional, cheep, and you get out of eating artichoke and tuna, that is if your mother doesn't read your blog....which I think mine does...A solution to this problem comming soon!
I have been playing with focus lately
somtimes it doesnt turn out so well
and other times it does!

This year was the first year that I can remember that we bought anything on black friday. We got an extenstion cord/power surger (so we can use more lights) and I bought myself a new ipod (mine had been broken for a while and they had free shipping on line)
Hope you guys didn't get run over this chilly morning, while I was all cozy under my electric blanket, having night mares....but that's another post.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Knitting up a storm

I love knitting, and I do alot of it! But it takes me like a year to do a scarf! I was pondering this on my way to the library today, trying to figure out why it takes me so long, and then it came to me. What happens is this.
 November: Its chilly yarn is everywhere I get really excited and knit up a storm
December: I travel down to mississippi where  A. I get annoyed knitting in a crowded car B. I mess up a lot because I'm not paying attention which is frustrating C. Its humid down there so I don't really want to be holding yarn!
January: Back to school, knitting slows
Febuary: It snows, speeds back up
March-May: Its spring time and I just want to be outside
June-September: Its like 110, I dont want to look at yarn!
October: Finnish project
So you see my problem, that is why I have never given away a project because I've only done like 8 and the first 5 arent worth showing the world. But I just finished one, it is so cute and I really like the pattern, it was so easy! I've started a new scarf and its going to quickly I think I might actually make a few more and give them away as presents, but I dont want to show you just in case...
Here is the scarf I just finished a few days ago, email me if you want the pattern

He will embrace me in his arms.....

Daddy holding baby

This has been a very busy week or weeks. A very stressful school week is over and I’m now on break....break off of school that is, the fun just keeps on rolling. We've had Birthdays, Baptisms, and lots of dancing with lots of fun, fun people. But I haven’t had a lot of time just to step back and evaluate. Evaluate, where I am in relationship to the people in my life, the stuff that is cluttering up my room, my heart with God, my grades, how I’m spending my time, my fulfillment of my responsibilities... This may sound like something saved for ones lowest moments in life but I try to do it at least once a week, often daily. Because I haven’t had much time for this, is why I think I was hit so hard by when my lovely church performed the most magnificent version of I Will Arise and Go to Jesus. I've never until today really truly appreciated this hymn, this version was slow, low, with a wonderful mix of solo violin and intricate  harmony of a huge choir. It was sweet and true and made my heart sing, and cry, and all the wonderful emotions that only God can fill your soul with. Someday I will get a recording and show it to you all. Until then I will leave you with the lyrics that made me run back to the important things in life. Now by important things in life I don’t mean that life your usual Hallmark food, family, friends sort of thing I’m talking about giving your heart to God daily, to trying to glorify Him in everything, because from that stems the good things like, actually enjoying the things like doing the dishes, and homework. Making hard choices like friends not as painful and true Godly friends all the more joyful.

This is the Joseph Hart version

1. Come ye sinners, poor and needy,

weak and wounded sick and sore,

Jesus ready stands to save you, full of pity, love and power,

2. I will arise and go to Jesus,

He will embrace me in his arms;

in the arms of my dear savior,

O there are ten thousand charms;

3. Come. Ye thirsty come and welcome,

Gods free bounty glorify

True belief and true repentance,

Every grace that brings you nigh

4. Come, ye weary, heavy-laden,
Bruised and ruined by the Fall;
If you tarry till you're better,
You will never come at all:

5. View Him prostrate in the garden,
On the ground your Maker lies!
On the bloody tree behold Him,
Hear Him cry before He dies

6. Lo, the incarnate God, ascended,
Pleads the merit of His blood:
Venture on Him, venture wholly,
Let no other trust intrude

I would like to break this hymn down for you. Sometimes we just look at hymns and say 'Oh, that's nice" and don’t actually look to see the deep meaning behind them.

1st, stanza tells us that God is ready for us, He wants us now, the way we are, He wants to save us.

2nd, this is about running to God and letting him carry you through the trials and tribulations of life, and in doing so we can experience more joys than we could have imagined.

3rd, He welcomes us as we are, every kind of grace calls us to him, we must only believe and trust

4th, come as you are, if you wait until you are complete and full, you will never be able to come at all

5th, our maker suffered terribly

6th He is God, He is whole, go to Him, His blood will save you, let nothing stop you

I dearly love this hymn, and I hope this gives you a little clearer understanding of the beauties of this hymn. Hymns are look over as old fashioned and hard to understand, they may have been written at a different time, but man has always had the same struggles, just manifested in different ways! I hope this gives you a little peak into the beauty of hymns and the awesome meanings the hold.

Happy Thanksgiving


Friday, November 11, 2011

For the Love of Freedom


My Mothers Father was in the Army
My Fathers Father was in the Navy
My Father Was in the Navy
2 of my cousins are in the Army

Today is the day to remember them, and everyone else who risked and gave their lives so that we can walk down the street without worry, so that we can worship as we see fit, and for all the other blessings that keep our country the land of the free
Happy Veterans Day America

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Blush List ~ Tea Cups

The sweaters are out, the electric blankets are running, and the 70 degree wind is blowing, it's an actual season here in north Texas and in honor of such I would like to share a little blush list on a thing that I consider a marvelous vestibule to wintery weather.
Tea cups for tea ceremony    
Tea Cups

tea cup birdcage
They have a personality all their own, and evoke a sense of peace, cheerfulness, and comfort.
Tea cup scoop
They have many uses
tea cup
in many colors and styles
Kitties in a tea cup
there is one for just about everybody
so here with out further adieu
The Anthropologie Tea Cup Blush List

I love these Anthropologie monogram mugs. I want to get a bunch of them in and hang them on a wall. Maybe in every letter, or maybe to spell something nice. 

I love the hand painted look of Curious Deciduous, and the hot air balloon reminds me of art work in children's book, a children's book that I would love to read.

This Piecrust mug is darling; it reminds me of my Mother. Elegant, beautiful, intricate and understated
This one is definitely my favorite in every way. The lovely hand painted flowers, with the scalloped rim and  the flair of the handle
I think Im going to make it my wallpaper
have a cheery day


Sunday, November 6, 2011

to prove a point in the most beautiful way possible

I was arguing with my friend the other day about how I think anything in baby form is cute. Ok so it wasnt really an argument, I said it, he gave me a strange look, and we moved on. But it got me thinking about creatures in baby form, and I decided I would write a post about it. But as I am no talent at writing (or much of anything) I decided I would do it in the most beautiful way I know how....other peoples pictures.
cute baby fox




little wolf


Baby Koala


photo-shoped creatures

What cuteness!


Lamb Love

run baby, run






baby otters

So cute!

I think this is an owl...

This actually is a picture that a friend took at church of my twin and a friend's grandbaby.
So now the world knows my point.
Have a nice Sunday world
~ Quippy